
We are committed to provide the highest standard in service and technical support and the most advanced and flexible solutions, as we strive to become a total ICT Solution Provider and Systems Integrator.
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Solutions To boost productivity and succeed in today’s business world, enterprises must embrace the latest technology products and solutions. Primatel Communication, as your partner to success, develops solutions focused on increasing revenue, enhancing satisfaction, and providing a real competitive edge to our customers. 

Primatel Communication’s diversified solutions and services meet the varied needs of all business sectors. We help you remain focused on your core business while we provide you with the latest state-of-the-art technologies that improve your services to your customers.

IT Solutions Our portfolio of management solutions helps you take control of your IT and telecommunications resources. By providing tools to troubleshoot problems, adapt quickly to change, and keep your data secure, our solutions ensure that business-critical data and services are delivered on time, all the time. Solutions for business, service, resource, as well as industry-specific solutions, let you align your company’s people, processes, and technology to contribute to an adaptive management environment

Financial System Solutions In the realm of financial systems, Primatel Communication offers robust solutions designed to streamline financial operations and enhance fiscal management. Our comprehensive suite of financial tools aids in risk assessment, compliance management, transaction processing, and financial reporting. By integrating these solutions, businesses can achieve greater financial transparency, control, and efficiency, ultimately leading to improved financial performance and governance.

IT Security Solutions Primatel Communication is dedicated to safeguarding your digital landscape. Our IT Security Solutions encompass a wide range of security measures, including Cybersecurity Risk Assessments, Network Security, Data Protection, and Incident Response Services. We equip your business with the necessary defenses against cyber threats, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of your critical data.

Server Solutions Our Server Solutions are engineered to provide reliability, efficiency, and scalability. From hardware selection and configuration to virtualization and cloud integration, Primatel Communication ensures your servers are optimized for high performance and business continuity. We specialize in server management, disaster recovery planning, and creating custom server architectures that align with your business objectives. 

Telecom Solutions Acknowledging the complexity of a Telco operator’s environment, our solutions include Network Performance and Troubleshooting, QoS Management, Key Performance Indicators that govern the performance of the Telecom operator, Interconnection Management, and Active and Passive Testing.

There is a call for a new sense of realism in the telecommunications market. With an eye on declining ARPUs, Service Providers need to regain their profit edge by taking a strategic view on operational cost reduction

Our Operations Support Solutions (OSS) coupled with extensive integration skills help Service Providers to scale up, improve and differentiate customer service; maximize network utilization without sacrificing performance; offer higher quality of service at lower cost; and integrate organization and processes to extract operational efficiencies.

Communication Solutions Primatel Communication’s portfolio of turnkey solutions helps you take control of your resources. By providing tools to troubleshoot problems, adapt quickly to change, and keep your data secure, our solutions ensure that business-critical data and services are delivered on time, all the time. Solutions for business, service, resource, as well as industry-specific solutions, let you align your company’s people, processes, and technology to contribute to an Adaptive Management environment.

We provide integration solutions for Broadband Wireless, Data Networking, Network Management, Videoconference, Interactive Distance Learning, and Surveillance Solutions.